Restrict session to IP 

Oh C´est Readable  Go to the Can you read me challenge

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I finally decided to add this challenge.

Basically i wanted to try out time based challenges. Its not very unique... but give it a try Smile

Happy challenging
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Thanks, Gizmore. A must-have of every challenge site Drool

Anyone tried to use wget? I have problems to send the cookies with --load-cookies=[firefox_path/cookies.txt]
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that doesn't work with me neither. I am logged in with "bind ip", and have --load-cookies set, but it just tells me that i'm not logged in Sad
Last edited by dracayr - Apr 20, 2008 - 22:45:52
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I used
wget --no-cookies --header "CookieDroolHPSESSID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" and it worked fine.
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Thanks Z, it worked.
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Your time had been running out
You have 2.5s and you took 4.02452397346.

Too bad I'm a slow typer Sad
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You don't have to send the PHPSESSID as cookie at all, a GET parameter overwrites the cookie in the common configuration which is also the case for WeChall.

So just request

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Quote from Vampire
Aug 18, 2009 - 14:04:24

You don't have to send the PHPSESSID as cookie at all, a GET parameter overwrites the cookie in the common configuration which is also the case for WeChall.

So just request


this does not work for me. have you changed the authentificationsystem?
i have tried
without success!
the system everytime says that am not logged in!
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Yes, the session management completely changed with wechall4.
It only works via cookies now.
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ok thanks, will the user-agent be checked too or is it sufficient to set the cookie with the sessionid?
edit: ok got it ;)
Last edited by davincho - Jan 01, 2011 - 15:57:57
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