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# Username Score Progress
6851 __Unknown Country iwillnotforgetmyusername 1460
6852 __Unknown Country Drakehinst 1460
6853 __Unknown Country ehcsyl 1460
6854 __Unknown Country slamsang 1460
6855 Hungary Jedwarsh 1460
6856 __Unknown Country TheUnmoved 1459
6857 Colombia bryanreinosa 1458
6858 __Unknown Country Daras 1458
6859 __Unknown Country jokeiz 1452
6860 __Unknown Country sshoune 1452
6861 __Unknown Country rts32 1450
6862 __Unknown Country CorSecc0 1450
6863 __Unknown Country Morton 1450
6864 Denmark SK2073 1449
6865 __Unknown Country ik1t0 1448
6866 Italy matcom 1448
6867 __Unknown Country neavorc 1447
6868 __Unknown Country tengo 1447
6869 __Unknown Country maxorq 1445
6870 __Unknown Country lalalander 1445
6871 __Unknown Country mndg 1444
6872 __Unknown Country brom99 1444
6873 __Unknown Country TunaInBeta 1442
6874 Indonesia microbl4st 1442
6875 __Unknown Country rofex 1437
6876 __Unknown Country AnimaMundi 1437
6877 United States Semotorum 1437
6878 __Unknown Country Rave1996 1437
6879 __Unknown Country samsquantch 1437
6880 Poland kamil 1435
6881 __Unknown Country ezflame 1434
6882 __Unknown Country hackey1318 1434
6883 __Unknown Country hanjeouk 1431
6884 __Unknown Country Tishrom 1430
6885 France Gu1ll4um3r0m41n 1429
6886 China wangxuehe 1429
6887 __Unknown Country xan_kriegor 1427
6888 __Unknown Country isaaccade 1426
6889 India as4ajaysoni 1426
6890 __Unknown Country minhhiep23 1424
6891 India Inv1nc 1423
6892 __Unknown Country zz2gg 1421
6893 France ched 1415
6894 __Unknown Country beehive 1415
6895 __Unknown Country llahcew 1415
6896 Romania CodingShadows 1415
6897 __Unknown Country F0zo 1414
6898 __Unknown Country waterfull 1414
6899 __Unknown Country junay 1414
6900 __Unknown Country hammer 1414
How scoring works on WeChall