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This new ranking only sums active sites. It has a reduced functionality at the moment, for example no correct highlighting, and no profile or other pages link here.
# Username Score Progress
7601 __Unknown Country hkc321 1103
7602 Iran RaziyeAmiri 1102
7603 __Unknown Country ContextPending 1102
7604 __Unknown Country Mephistopheles 1102
7605 __Unknown Country JamieSaunders 1100
7606 Spain dagilpe 1099
7607 __Unknown Country mmisc 1099
7608 Trinidad & Tobago magykal006 1098
7609 __Unknown Country zqqz 1098
7610 Brazil alb 1098
7611 Colombia jodaheca 1097
7612 __Unknown Country stongo 1096
7613 __Unknown Country bazigar 1096
7614 France LeCanard 1094
7615 __Unknown Country spydergent 1094
7616 Algeria vx4 1094
7617 __Unknown Country r10k 1093
7618 Colombia fernandosv 1093
7619 __Unknown Country anaeru 1093
7620 __Unknown Country Achilleus 1093
7621 __Unknown Country jpablo_seguridad 1093
7622 Hungary Loki66 1091
7623 __Unknown Country khanhquynh 1090
7624 __Unknown Country rehael 1090
7625 Belgium Zcore 1090
7626 __Unknown Country jnaut 1090
7627 __Unknown Country bazzi 1090
7628 __Unknown Country Kenshi 1089
7629 __Unknown Country skatchme 1089
7630 __Unknown Country mzeingerz 1089
7631 __Unknown Country PlotCitizen 1089
7632 __Unknown Country nichochar 1089
7633 Netherlands, The maddog 1089
7634 __Unknown Country orfeus 1089
7635 __Unknown Country leo_lai 1089
7636 __Unknown Country phkninja 1089
7637 __Unknown Country pred 1089
7638 __Unknown Country dekk3rd 1089
7639 __Unknown Country mrb00l34n 1089
7640 __Unknown Country nbaksalyar 1089
7641 __Unknown Country qbit 1089
7642 __Unknown Country iLLuSiVe 1089
7643 __Unknown Country Khrico 1089
7644 Greece Potat0 1089
7645 __Unknown Country Ceva 1089
7646 __Unknown Country Rivercity_ransom 1089
7647 __Unknown Country CyeberZombie 1089
7648 __Unknown Country hasSHELL 1089
7649 __Unknown Country ncd275 1089
7650 __Unknown Country rnehra01 1089
How scoring works on WeChall