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On Hack The Web, you'll find a playful introduction to the world of hacking. In a variety of challenges, you can put your knowledge and creativity to the test. It's a tribute to and an attempt to carry on its mission. Also suitable for children and teenagers!
Hack The Web
Sites origin country Germany
Language German
Category Tags Web, Logic, Programming, Research
Site Admins anna42
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WarBoxes 0
Score 16247
Base-Score 10000
Users 51904
Challs 111
Linked users 10
Average 72.82%
Difficulty 50.00%
Enjoyment 50.00%
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Comments on Hack The Web

Global Rank: 795
Totalscore: 32588
Posts: 1
Thanks: 3
UpVotes: 2
Registered: 65d 18h
Last Seen: 1h 34m
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RE: Comments on Hack The Web
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Happy Hacking!
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