Stegano Challenges
Score Title Author Solvers Age Votes Difficulty Education Fun Forums
1 Training: Stegano I by Gizmore 13518 16y 70d 891Challenge Votes 1.07 2.56 2.63 Questions
1 2021 Christmas Hippety by gizmore 79 2y 292d 15Challenge Votes 3.20 2.33 4.40 Questions
2 Training: Baconian by Gizmore 1718 13y 284d 132Challenge Votes 3.13 4.44 4.64 Questions
2 Training: LSB by Gizmore 2071 13y 272d 152Challenge Votes 3.42 5.45 5.34 Questions
2 Training: Caterpillar by Gizmore 401 12y 175d 42Challenge Votes 4.71 3.74 3.52 Questions
2 2021 Christmas Grampa by gizmore 218 2y 275d 26Challenge Votes 0.81 1.12 2.00 Questions
2 TBS Rehearsal by gizmore and theAnswer 16 231d 15h 3Challenge Votes 2.67 3.00 7.67 Questions
3 Connect the Dots by galen 968 16y 171d 78Challenge Votes 3.35 4.00 5.37 Questions
3 Stegano Woman by Z 486 16y 145d 42Challenge Votes 3.81 4.10 5.21 Questions
3 Simply Red by anto 340 15y 318d 35Challenge Votes 5.20 5.49 6.49 Questions
3 Stegano Attachment by Gizmore 1976 13y 259d 154Challenge Votes 2.53 4.00 4.54 Questions
3 Zebra by hirsch 1649 13y 242d 144Challenge Votes 2.23 2.94 4.96 Questions
3 Vermeer by XcrAckX 233 13y 61d 45Challenge Votes 3.93 4.09 5.84 Questions
3 eXtract Me by oleg 155 12y 170d 36Challenge Votes 5.53 6.25 6.89 Questions
3 Illuminati by Gizmore 91 10y 347d 17Challenge Votes 3.65 5.47 5.76 Questions
4 Paranoid by Gizmore 158 14y 28d 35Challenge Votes 3.11 1.80 4.97 Questions
4 Training: Bacon Returns by Gizmore 224 13y 270d 22Challenge Votes 4.55 3.68 3.82 Questions
5 DropDaBass by anto 33 16y 70d 14Challenge Votes 6.50 5.00 5.50 Questions
5 Inka by Gizmore 35 12y 208d 12Challenge Votes 6.00 7.08 7.92 Questions
5 Shadowlamb - Chapter IV by Gizmore 31 12y 37d 10Challenge Votes 4.50 2.80 5.30 Questions
5 2020 Christmas Special by quangntenemy and Gizmore 14 3y 275d 6Challenge Votes 4.83 6.17 9.33 Questions
6 Count, don't wonder by galen 34 16y 171d 9Challenge Votes 5.89 5.44 7.33 Questions
6 Fremes by Gizmore 26 13y 61d 14Challenge Votes 5.71 5.43 8.43 Questions
6 Babbage and Coldplay by ludde 46 12y 363d 13Challenge Votes 6.08 6.38 7.38 Questions
6 Nippon by Gizmore and lazer 10 8y 83d 7Challenge Votes 8.29 5.00 6.71 Questions