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Trival  Go to the Trivia challenge

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Well many of you have mastered the little trivia.
It seemed fun and there might be a second or even third version of it.
Lets try out the wechall poll thingy once again ... Smile
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Global Rank: 228
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The Human version would have the same time limits, but this modifications:
- Way more questions
- Tracking of already asked question
- Final wechall question (you may propose questions/answers via pm to me or Z)

The Bot version will be different:
- A very programming challenge Smile

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
vs4vijay, haonit, Redknee, tushar_rishav, tunelko, silenttrack, n0tHappy, nonfungiblesecurity, quangntenemy, TheHiveMind, Z, balicocat, Ge0, samuraiblanco, arraez, jcquinterov, hophuocthinh, alfamen2, burhanudinn123, Ben_Dover, stephanduran89, braddie0, SwolloW, dangarbri, csuquvq have subscribed to this thread and receive emails on new posts.
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