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SQL injection  Go to the Training: MySQL II challenge

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SQL injection
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I get stuck.

Sensitive is login authentication, so i try to bypass it writing:
but the only message I get is wrong password.

Can anybody give me a hint what I'm doing wrong ?
Last edited by dloser - Jan 05, 2016 - 14:59:17
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RE: SQL injection
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You are ignoring the crucial part of this challenge: the password check.
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RE: SQL injection
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First of all thanks for hint and quick response.

I tried to end SQL command by -- - or -- or %00 and then comment rest of PHP function with multiline comment /*
Injection looks like:


But still getting message about wrong password.
Last edited by dloser - Jan 05, 2016 - 15:42:13
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RE: SQL injection
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You cannot comment out PHP code like that. (And if you could, it still wouldn't work.)

B.t.w.: Don't include the injections you are trying in your posts. It could spoil it for others.
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