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CipherPusher: Action/Puzzle/Seafood/Crypto: game I'm working on

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CipherPusher: Action/Puzzle/Seafood/Crypto: game I'm working on
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This is Anto from WeChall, and formerly from HackQuest. I designed some Crypto/Stegano/Logic challenges for these 2 websites. Today I'd like to tell you about something completely different! Smile

Cipher Pusher is the Action/Puzzle video game I've been working on since january 2015 (approx 1900+ hours of my spare time...)

It's about Blocks, Vortexes, Seafood!
That is the visible part of the iceberg/features. You can also encounter specific puzzles and strange mechanisms that may require Crypto/Stegano/Logic experimentation for more fun, and that's why I'm writing about it here on that forum.

Here's the trailer :

It’s great pleasure in launching its Steam Greenlight today !
Please go to Steam website and vote for us here:
This is important because it will allow us to be published.

Liked this trailer?… Please help us to spread the word !
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So you can view them here instead.

Have a good pixelated day! Smile

Don't hesitate to PM me for more info.
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RE: CipherPusher
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first of all, congratulations to the game finally. im not using any website for steam, but i was havin' a look in the launcher for "cipher pusher".
why isnt it mentioned under greenlights?

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