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A Race Condition Vuln?  Go to the Stop us challenge

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A Race Condition Vuln?
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I thought it's a race condition vuln, because reduceMoney function will be called after the function call purchaseDomain 6 seconds.

But if I want to take advantage of this vuln , I need to make two requests arrive noother_timeout function simultaneously, after try many times , I think this is very difficult to do that.

So, I was just not lucky enough ?


Ok, Got it
Last edited by sunrain - Jul 19, 2016 - 04:48:56
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RE: A Race Condition Vuln?
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Any hint on how did you get it? I tried sending requests at the same time (with Burp intruder and with a python script using threads), but no luck.

Am I missing something?
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RE: A Race Condition Vuln?
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In fact, I'm not sure if this idea is feasible. But there is another way to solve it.

hint: read the code carefully Smile
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