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Britcoin Fixes  Go to the Britcoin challenge

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Britcoin Fixes
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Yesterday I have fixed some issues in the britcoin challenge.

Your initial nonce-zero was computed with wrapping html tags.
If you used the payload in your scripts, and generated noncezero yourself, your computations would not be accepted.
If you took the noncezero from the challenge you were fine.

Also i fixed some minor issues, like wording and the test vectors in the grfc.
Here the example did not use the uppercase hash.

Sorry for the inconvinience!
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RE: Britcoin Fixes
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Can you clarify how the nonce is added to the hash to perform POW? Is it concatenated to the end of the NonceZero?

This is not clear for me:

The prove of work is a hash of this NounceZero with a 32 hex uppercase chars long nounce which results in a hash value below the difficulty.

What does "with a" mean?
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RE: Britcoin Fixes
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NonceZero is the hash of the initial block/data, AAAA

Your "Nonce" is a padding to that initial NonceZero hash. AAAABBBB

BBBB would be your nonce and the solution if it fulfils the requirements.

Hope this clarifies.
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