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Locks on Threading Problem Solved

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Locks on Threading Problem Solved
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So you want to introduce threading to your application but locks cost more time than they could save?
Here is an easy solution:

Assume you want to count something with 3 threads.
Just make 3 copies of the var, and every thread works on his own exclusive copy.
to get the real value, simply sum the 3 vars and you get a valid answer. it might be outdated, but never wrong and in a messed up state. This way you can write lock-free threading for some use-cases.

- gizmore
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Locks on Threading Problem Solved
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I am happy to announce News on this topic.

GeSHi`ed PHP code for Sample-Problem
$gdo = $field->fetchAs->cache->getDummy(); # Prepare an object where we put the next mysql_assoc_array.
while ($gdo = $result->fetchInto($gdo)) : # Move result of mysql_fetch always into the same object
  echo $gdo->renderList(); # Let the hierarchy render the row.

Can you parallelize this code with lock-free threading in C/Java?

Is this a problem at all?
I have no idea
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Happy Hacking!
- gizmore
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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