Hi Altogether, hello Community,
I'm having a little issue with
wireshark. Read for a few weeks official documentation and obviously uncle Google's results in order to find out where my problem could be. Sure fact is, that I'm overlooking something, but am not able to understand/solve the following issue.
On my private Linux laptop I connect through wifi into a classical LAN ( with SSID "
Letting wireshark run on the wifi-interface in promiscuous mode the laptop
pings to (
which is a charging station for electric cars connected to a switch), which answers and wireshark shows the ICMP requests and responses.
But if I give wireshark the filter
| ip.addr == |
even for 24 hours, wireshark does not show anything. But I know for sure that the charging station ( communicates quite constantly through internet/web...
As already stated in the beginning, I searched quite a while and applied many different display/capturing filters and read lots of documentation. But everything was to no avail...
Anyone have some suggestions? Thank you very much in advance

Sincerely Yours