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Happy New Year 2024

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Happy New Year 2024
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Dear Challengers,

another year comes to an end. Like every year, I send a greeting to my loved ones:

Don't give up, together we can and must improve something in this world, so that we can all live in a peaceful and healthy world. For us, for others and also for the next generation,
support e.g. - Direct Democracy in Germany.

Happy New Year 2024!
- gizmore
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RE: Happy New Year 2024
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You to young Giz,

And to all those from a time period where completing a certain challenge *cough* requiring a proxy server to complete would timeout on a dialup connection from Australia... Damn I miss bright-shadows hehe

Seriously though best wishes to all and may you have a good and no missing semicolon new year.
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RE: Happy New Year 2024
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TBS was the best site ever, at least to me at that time. So many things learnt there...

Happy new year everyone Smile
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