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PyHash Questions  Go to the PyHash challenge

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PyHash Questions
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Hi, on challenge:

a number > 31337.0 is required. and 72258202379729527373824.0 is a valid one but it says that "Your answer seems wrong!".

Are we looking for the smallest number > 31337 that satisfies the condition?


I guess that's a good idea. Also i am disappointed by the python type system...
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RE: PyHash Questions
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Quite ambiguous challenge. We are suppsed to find certain value? What should the representation of the number be? Should it be integer? I can find quite a lot of numbers that fit the spec...
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RE: PyHash Questions
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Yeah, it is indeed a bit ambigous and "crappy"
I assumed one would try to calculate a number that fits.
Try integers.

If you try the first obvious number that fits, you get a message that a bigger number is required.
Now try to calculate the next number that would work.

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RE: PyHash Questions
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I am sorry for the confusion.
The challenge solution got changed, as i made a mistake in my calculations.

Also, in the code, "float" has been changed to "int".
I only wanted to point out that whole float number hashes are identical to their int partners.

Thanks to tehron for the fixes \o
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RE: PyHash Questions
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Tanks for the clarification and for revisiting your calculations! Beyond the working floating point cited in the first post (that still produces 31337 as hash) I was also trying the integer solution without success till today. Now it works!
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