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Luggage  Go to the Luggage challenge

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I am happy to announce...

The user MagicToast brought us a new challenge, based on real events.

Luggage is nothing really special, but surely is a facepalm, when you take in account that it is kinda real practice.

We hope you like it!
- gizmore
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RE: Luggage
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I think I got the code. But something is wrong with it Sad
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RE: Luggage
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I'm sorry, in what form should I give an answer? A numeric QR code? Or its binary value? Or the function code?
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RE: Luggage
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Quote from dirtskill
Sep 13, 2024 - 19:41:19

I'm sorry, in what form should I give an answer? A numeric QR code? Or its binary value? Or the function code?

The numeric QR code of the answer, yes.
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RE: Luggage
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Quote from quangntenemy
Sep 13, 2024 - 14:08:14

I think I got the code. But something is wrong with it Sad

Dude everyone is sleeping!

summer or wintertime on your example?
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Luggage
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I would say to verify that the solution that you have works with all of the entries in the list of scavenged QR codes.

If it doesn't work for some of them, maybe that is why the solution you found doesn't work.
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RE: Luggage
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thanks a lot for hint! Now it works ;)
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