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How many challenges should WeChall have?

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How many challenges should WeChall have?
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Personally I don't think we should have any. Except maybe 2 or 3 to explain the concept to total newbies.

What do you think?
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How many challenges should WeChall have?
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bah csrf protection should not drop content typed in a box, had to fish it from the network, so do the layout yourselves

(probably the timeout is to low, need to give people the time to type)

I think having challenges is a tactical gamble,

trying to be a meta site, and still listing yourself on equal standards with the rest ... well ..

It's no problem with the good old trusted group of the traditional websites. But might be some hurdle getting less affiliated sites.

Though having a place to publish your stuff can be tempting.

Turning into a challenge site with a dynamically generated link section is not where you want to evolve towards though. Then all you are really doing is stealing members.

So, this might be one of those weird occasions i agree with Kender..
Last edited by Kender - Mar 13, 2008 - 08:06:40
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How many challenges should WeChall have?
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That's what I thought at the beginning. But now seeing we have some good challs and some other site admins are kinda busy (and lazy) to upload new challs I think that it's ok to get more.

Btw as most challenge sites link to each other I think there's no problem with the affiliate stuff.
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How many challenges should WeChall have?
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I'm with quangntenemy on the fact that most sites in general would want to be listed here, whether or not wechall has its own challenges. I guess not having any challenges would make it very "unattractive", in the sense that people would generally not stay long on the site. They would come here only to check their ranking, but there isn't much else to do. But having its own challenges puts wechall in direct competition to the sites listed here. While I personally do not see any problem with that, I'm not certain how it might be perceived by others.
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How many challenges should WeChall have?
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We are all challenge-addicted aren't we? ;)

I was rather skeptical to challenges on WeChall. In fact, only a ranking list is quite nice but not too exciting. I think, soon Gizmore, Kender and co will implement some statistics and graphs, which will make the whole thing more interesting.

Another cool feature of WeChall could be definitely the forum, as a platform for all challengers from different sites (e.g. plan a competition between the challenge sites Smile.
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