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Help anyone?  Go to the Enlightment challenge

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Help anyone?
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I think I have some idea how this chall is to be solved. Do I need to create an image using RGB values that I'm supposed to get by somehow decoding the data on the chall?
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it has nothing to do with images.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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Help anyone?
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Wooohoo! LOL! Haha.
This is fun!
I am WeChall ;)

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I want to, but I cannot. Happy
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Arrrrrghh!! This chall is killing me!
I managed to complete the first part
(although it took about 30 mins and a lots of clicking, dragging and head bashing)
and now I see that I've just completed HALF the chall!! %-)
Gizmore, I really wish you had made JPK more flexible

(it only takes 2 binary strings at a time for the operation I needed to perform)

Anyway, it was worth it Smile
I hope I finish the second part too.

Thanks for the hint, Gizmore.

PS: Oh, and by the way, it was me who posted the message above using the bot Drool
Last edited by xyberz09 - Sep 24, 2009 - 12:20:09
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I give up!!
I think I know how RGB works but CMYK beats the shit out of me!
In RGB, the colors are just added together in various ways to produce other colors, right?
But in CMYK, the colors...
Quote from Wikipedia
..."subtract" brightness from white

Now what does that mean? What's supposed to be white in binary?
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Don`t get distracted by colors. The second part is very similar to the first.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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Done at last! Happy
I feel like flying Smile
This chall was great and really tedious.
Who says geeks got it easy with computers iterating every boring task for them?
(answer: No one. I said that Drool)

I didn't even do the last part fully. I got the solution and typed it right away.
I wasn't gonna covert everything to meaningful text as it hurt my tiny brain.

Anyway, kudos to anto for the excellent chall
(this one exercises the brain as well as the fingers Drool)
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RE: Help anyone?
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Hi guys!

My question would be that in what format I should enter my solution? Because I am not sure about if I am absolutly wrong or I just didn't find the appropriate format to send my solution.

Thanks in advance.
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RE: Help anyone?
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If i remember correctly, if you are not sure how to send your solution you have not seen the plaintext which leads to part2.

It has nothing todo with colors. Try basic things with the parts.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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