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the comment was relevant. It pointed out a mistake in the article. which then got fixed and then the comment was removed

because the people at osix are that narrow minded they only allow positive things they want to hear. intelligence does not come from agreeing. but from demarcating right and wrong.

and their challenges really aren't that good.

there are 2 that are worth solving. Nobody will be cheating themselves out of anything.

and most of the articles are very poor quality. this is a large part of the ca people... need i say more.

not giving credit where credit is due is wrong. that is why you will continue to be annoyed.

Last edited by gizmore - Mar 23, 2010 - 10:47:08
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the comment was relevant. It pointed out a mistake in the article. which then got fixed and then the comment was removed

because the people at osix are that narrow minded they only allow positive things they want to hear. intelligence does not come from agreeing. but from demarcating right and wrong.

and their challenges really aren't that good.

there are 2 that are worth solving. Nobody will be cheating themselves out of anything.

and most of the articles are very poor quality. this is a large part of the ca people... need i say more.

not giving credit where credit is due is wrong. that is why you will continue to be annoyed.

I see that you removed your other posts to try and save face.

You are not referring to the correct comment. The comment you were referring to earlier, the one that I actually deleted, was the trivial one on the new copy of the article. The comment you are referring to now was the prior version of the article removed at the author's request, which I fulfilled and consequently removed your constructive comment. So perhaps you should stay on topic here.

I'm sorry you feel that way about the challenges. However, the difficulty rating we have on this site implies otherwise, and I know myself that they are rather difficult for the average challenger. I'm also sorry you feel that way about our articles. Articles are written by volunteers. We don't claim to be professional technical writers nor do we care what others think. Love or hate them, but there are plenty of articles that people read and enjoy regularly.

Like I said, take it up with the author. I'm not the one that forgot to mention you, but I don't think anyone would consider this a big infraction. You told them to not use so many IF statements . . . not that big of a deal.

Last edited by sajchurchey - Mar 23, 2010 - 06:12:50
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you can reply as much as you want you are a douche. and i don't care how many people you convince with your disinformation.

i have more than enough info, access, ...

and the more you lie the more that will become public. and it will be on your head.

btw they have discussions afterwards, so the passwords already give you full access to writeups.

but i'll provide my own soon enough.

saj, i gave you more than enough oppertunity to discuss things.

arguing has stopped now. you are a douche. and you my friend will lose more sleep over this than i will. because i didn't forsake my responsibilities as a system admin to keep peoples data safe.

and to safeguard your level creators effort by basic decency. by not giving credit where credit is due.

you are a douche. bb is a douche.

it wasn't me who made an insecure website. it wasn't me who responded like a douche after i disclosed it privately. this is something not many challenge site creators had the privilege too.

and now since i've exposed challenge site admins to be hypocrites you can expect much more leakage.
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you can reply as much as you want you are a douche. and i don't care how many people you convince with your disinformation.

i have more than enough info, access, ...

and the more you lie the more that will become public. and it will be on your head.

btw they have discussions afterwards, so the passwords already give you full access to writeups.

but i'll provide my own soon enough.

saj, i gave you more than enough oppertunity to discuss things.

arguing has stopped now. you are a douche. and you my friend will lose more sleep over this than i will. because i didn't forsake my responsibilities as a system admin to keep peoples data safe.

and to safeguard your level creators effort by basic decency. by not giving credit where credit is due.

you are a douche. bb is a douche.

it wasn't me who made an insecure website. it wasn't me who responded like a douche after i disclosed it privately. this is something not many challenge site creators had the privilege too.

and now since i've exposed challenge site admins to be hypocrites you can expect much more leakage.

I have tried to discuss these things with you every step of the way, and according to you, you're never wrong. I'm not losing any sleep over it. I didn't forsake anything, the act of compromising the data is what is illegal, and nobody's code is perfect not even yours. I have been nothing but decent to you, and I have showed a good deal of restraint and control when dealing with this matter, but you are unreasonable and insist on trying to wave the data over our heads to do what you want. If you need credit for every comment you ever make, you're going to be disappointed throughout your life.

Once again, stop acting like you disclosed anything. The only thing you disclosed was the fact that you had compromised the site. You did not willingly give us any details on the bug, and you refused to stop compromising accounts when asked. We gave you ample opportunity to cooperate, but instead you decided to flaunt it. Nothing you have is that important anymore. We did the responsible thing and reset the passwords and publicly disclosed the intrusion. Most of the user data was publicly viewable on profile pages anyway. Get over yourself.

You have not made any argument as to us being hypocrites, and we have done nothing hypocritical. We just removed a troll and unwelcome member from our community, something we have never had to do until now.
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you can be a little girl all you want. you failed in your responsibilities. and you said 'goodnight' ages ago.

you're a liar and a douche.
Last edited by gizmore - Mar 23, 2010 - 10:43:57
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justtemp> retroactive license changes, with ban means that i will now
publish solutions to any connected website of my choosing. Feel free to offer a suggestion. (i'll soon set up a propper page for this, don't worry about the url, you'll be able to google it)
Last edited by Kender - Mar 23, 2010 - 17:48:58
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I am wondering why can't i access my osix account , and also the Forgot Password does not work.
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Quote from Hertz

I am wondering why can't i access my osix account , and also the Forgot Password does not work.

You should have received an email with a new password already.
Signup and ForgotPass seem to have been disabled, still, temporarily.

Will ask about forgot pass now.


The ForgotPassword is also disabled, as both, register and forgot, need a rewrite.
All passwords have been changed and a new one has been mailed to each user.

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Mar 28, 2010 - 14:38:17
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Thank you. Indeed a new password was sent, but I haven't noticed that because the account was created on my yahoo account and i don't use to read mails from it.

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The site should get removed from the ranking, cuz someone posted a link with the solutions as it looks like.
Some people were solving the challenges constantly. That site has many hard problems and it's just curious to see people solving them very fast!
Last edited by Jinx - Mar 29, 2010 - 15:20:13
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