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Global Rank: 85
Totalscore: 185433
Posts: 20
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UpVotes: 13
Registered: 16y 197d

Last Seen: 14y 129d
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I think that Highest Rank achieved on WeChall would be a nice feature. At a later time some of us could show to their ancestors, with proud, the highest rank achieved on WeChall.
Last edited by UnTaran - Jan 14, 2010 - 14:11:18
Global Rank: 228
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We are collecting your rank in the userhistory table since around one year, sadly not since the beginning.

The information will soon get used in the profile and in a new graph Smile
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Global Rank: 85
Totalscore: 185433
Posts: 20
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UpVotes: 13
Registered: 16y 197d

Last Seen: 14y 129d
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Great! 10x
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