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Do I need to crack the MD5  Go to the Training: MySQL II challenge

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Do I need to crack the MD5
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I have the MD5 of the admin's password. I have tried to crack it, but to no avail. Is it crackable, or am I going the wrong way about this?

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RE: Do I need to crack the MD5
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Cracking the MD5 is not necessary.

Cheers, MrBlueSky
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RE: Do I need to crack the MD5
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Thanks. I have worked out how to get it now
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RE: Do I need to crack the MD5
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Quote from smutley
Dec 31, 2010 - 19:30:18

I have the MD5 of the admin's password. I have tried to crack it, but to no avail. Is it crackable, or am I going the wrong way about this?

I solved it without getting the password first but I'm curious to how you got it anyway.
Could anyone explain me how to retrieve stuff from the the DB when there is no natural feedback from the website like "Hello, Admin"?
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RE: Do I need to crack the MD5
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You can get two different response messages, that may be enough...
This challenge doesn't need this, but others do, so to not spoil them I won't say more.
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RE: Do I need to crack the MD5
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HI i am using this query for my password field <CENSORED> ............what am i doing wrong
Last edited by gizmore - Aug 17, 2012 - 19:20:49
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RE: Do I need to crack the MD5
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Your query looks very close and good on the first impression, basically gave it away Smile
Maybe you send the wrong password? ;)

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