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Crackcha  Go to the Crackcha challenge

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I have recoded the crackcha challenge from scratch.

It is now a bit easier for bots, because the success rate does not matter anymore.

You "only" need to solve N captchas within M seconds now, so the faster your script is, the more captchas you can attack within the timeframe.

I might lower N a bit in future, so i expect someone to solve it any soon.

Happy Cracking!
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RE: Crackcha
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Quote from Gizmore
Jan 04, 2011 - 17:38:25
solve N captchas within M seconds

you meant minutes not seconds, do you?
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RE: Crackcha
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Actually i meant Time Smile

In the description i used GWF_Time::humanDuration(M); which outputs 30m for the current settings.
Internally i calculate with microseconds, using microtime(true);
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RE: Crackcha
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Maybe the highscore table should be sorted by Success desc?

Or maybe it should be renamed to "attempts" (to watch one's own and others' progress) and a separate highscore table created, that takes the best attempt from each player (that solved it?) and shows the top 10 or so? That one could be displayed inline.
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ahem ahem ...and also based on success percentage Happy
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RE: Crackcha
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has anybody completed by hand?
and do you think it possible?
my first attempt by hand 175
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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I would really like you to find out. But hurry up, Google Bot is also on it. ^^
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RE: Crackcha
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Hi, I don't know if you'll answer to my question but I ask:
what is the font used?
and the min and max size of the font?

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