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What is this about?  Go to the Training: Crypto - Digraphs challenge

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What is this about?
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Hi guys!

My question is what this crypto is about? So how does it work? I tried to understand it by studying the source code of JPK but I didn't get it.
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RE: What is this about?
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The challenge is about digraphs, of course.
Roughly explained, a digraph means two symbols are resulting in the same one(or more?) letter(s).
If i recall correctly you can use JPK ascii->digraph function to convert 2 characters into 1.
JPK is not needed for any challenge here, but sometimes it can help you a bit Smile

Good luck!


After you did the conversion, you are left with a simple substution cipher.

Edit2: I am not sure if my roughly explaination is 100% correct. At least you can say that you should work on the plaintext grouped in pairs. Another example of a digraph cipher may be Playfair. But not sure on that either.
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Last edited by gizmore - Jan 18, 2011 - 18:41:59
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RE: What is this about?
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I am stuck in this challenge Sad

I can decrypt part of the hidden message manually but i can´t know the keywords.
The problem here is the chiphertext changing everytime in the challenge but the message still the same, and another problem is the case sensitive and the punctuation.
Its very frustating Sad

Thanks anyway for this challenge!
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RE: What is this about?
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Not sure why the things you mention should be a problem. If you decrypted the message, the keyword should be clear. Perhaps the problem is that you are expecting an actual English word instead of some random string?
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RE: What is this about?
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Thanks for the answer, maybe i not explaing very well.
I try to understand how is encrypted the message, i try to separate the message in two pair of characters, every pair give me a letter and a guide to desencrypt all the message, but i dont have the 100 % of the message.
I dont know if the digraphs are made with a mixed alphabet with two keywords to complete the grid.
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RE: What is this about?
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You said you have decrypted part of the message. If so, then you should know enough.

All you really need to know is that what you are given is enough to decrypt the message, as many have demonstrated before you.
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RE: What is this about?
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Thanks for your time, I try too much harder
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