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Sites list
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I'd like to propose that the "score" column is removed from the Sites table.
There is no reason to display the total amount of points you would have gained by the time you finished a site there.
Also I'd like to change the default ordering of the Sites table.
To either 'join date' ASC or '# of WeChall users linked' DESC

And I think that page (and WeChall as a whole) needs some SEO attention.
"hacker challenges", "hacking challenges", "hacker games" all produce no hint of WeChall. For "challenge sites" it comes in 8th while which hasn't been updated in many years is still #1.
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RE: Sites list
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I also see no need to have 'Score' listed on the 'Sites' table.

I'd prefer 'Difficulty' DESC or 'Fun' DESC for a default ordering though, but that is a minor point and is really just personal preference, in my case.
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RE: Sites list
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I have removed the score column from the sites table, also i switched to simple table sorting.
Default value is site_id, which is more or less site_joindate.

Meanwhile the database errors are gone, and i have also uploaded the latest wechall sources, although not much has happened past 2 weeks.
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RE: Sites list
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Cheers Gizmore, but I said ASC, not DESC ;)

Ah well, better this than by the pointstotal.

Thing is, people will always subconsciously see that list as a kind of ranking. And especially people new to the challenge scene will tend to start looking and playing at the sites from top to bottom.

Not sure how to order the sites for optimal effect though.

And I'm also not sure how to increase WeChall visibility on the internet as THE source for everything challenge-site related. I started a small adwords campaign but I doubt it'll have much impact Smile
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RE: Sites list
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Quote from Kender
Feb 23, 2011 - 22:03:32

Not sure how to order the sites for optimal effect though.

Best order to play if you are new? Is that what you mean? If so, that is an interesting question because it is not only challenge difficulty that matters but the helpfulness of the forums. Well used and information packed forums really accelerate learning, so long as the hints are not too revealing.
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