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my js ROUND2

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my js ROUND2
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A function this time, as follows:

GeSHi`ed javascript code
function R(x){z=x.length-1;y='';for(i=0;i<=z;i++){y+=x.charAt(z-i);}return y;}

As javascript lacks a command to reverse strings we must find our own ways to do so., let me know if you all would like more code golf.

good luck everyone!
p.s. i already shortened it a little to stop cheating e.g. R() instead of strRev() lol.
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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RE: my js ROUND2
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72 chars.. 6 less ;)

GeSHi`ed javascript code
function R(x){z=x.length;y='';for(i=0;i<=z;y+=x.charAt(z-i++));return y}

EDIT: another one wth 67 chars:

GeSHi`ed javascript code
function R(x){z=x.length-1;y='';for(i=0;i<=z;y+=x[z-i++]);return y}

EDIT1: 61 chars, changed the logic a bit, but the goal this time is strrev(), eh?

GeSHi`ed javascript code
function R(x){y='';for(i=x.length-1;i>=0;y+=x[i--]);return y}

Last edited by livinskull - Jun 29, 2011 - 23:40:01
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RE: my js ROUND2
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I also whant to play this game
GeSHi`ed javascript code for GeSHi`ed
function R(x){y='';for(i=x.length-1;i>=0;y+=x[i--]);return y}

61 char
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RE: my js ROUND2
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GeSHi`ed javascript code
function R(x){for(z=x.length,y='',i=1;i<=z;y+=x[z-i++]);return y}
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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RE: my js ROUND2
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60 chars =P
GeSHi`ed javascript code
function R(x){y='';for(i=x.length-1;i+1;y+=x[i--]);return y}

EDIT: 56 chars!

GeSHi`ed javascript code
function R(x){y='';for(i=x.length;i;y+=x[--i]);return y}
Last edited by livinskull - Jun 29, 2011 - 23:53:04
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RE: my js ROUND2
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59 =]
GeSHi`ed javascript code for GeSHi
function R(x){y='';for(i=x.length;i>=1;y+=x[--i]);return y}
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RE: my js ROUND2
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If we could use JS functions it could be 52 chars Smile
GeSHi`ed javascript code
function R(x){return x.split('').reverse().join('')}
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RE: my js ROUND2
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Here is a solution with 43 chars:
GeSHi`ed javascript code
//With recursion, of course
function R(x){return x&&R(x.slice(1))+x[0]}
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