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Wechall Chess

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Wechall Chess
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chess is arguably a huge game of thinking and planning with speed and practice to hone skills, i think many users would benefit from having this on the site, if nothing else then at least something different to take a break once in awhile from challenges.

i suggest two types:
live games between active players to take place as-is on the spot with time limit.
and slower games with a longer time limit(24/48hour) for players that may not get a chance to both be on the site at the same time.

it would most definitely need a ranking table Smile

please post your thoughts...
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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RE: Wechall Chess
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I would like to play time to time in chess on WeChall.
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RE: Wechall Chess
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I also like the idea. On brightshadows appeared the same idea, but somehow it didn't continue ... I don't remember why
Here is a link to the TBS topic.

If some people would like to build a programming team, I would like to be a part of it. I guess we would make a piece of OpenSource Chess Software? Has anyone experience with the different software licenses?

@Inferno, Gizmore, Kender ... or who else is admin: Which languages may be used? Which database do you have? Would it be okay for you to host a piece of OpenSource, community programmed chess software?

edit: I've just talked with Gizmore. He likes the idea of having a community chess on wechall. We may only use MySQL and PHP (server-side) to reduce the possible vulnerabilities.

Here is the project I've just

Any recomendations are welcome. If you know something about naming conventions it would be the right time to explain them to me or suggest other names of parts of the database.

The software should be easy to modify so that it can use the existing user-tables of Wechall or any other challenging-site and use the WC5-code / GWF3. But it should also be able to run without any changes.

The first point on my roadmap is to get it working with standard-chess rules. No GUI, only the most basic input / output options, which are needed.
Last edited by Martin Thoma - Jul 28, 2011 - 16:13:43
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RE: Wechall Chess
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maybe u first learn oop-php and make sure u watch out how GWF3 and GDO works, that could be easier 4 u!?

i'm sorry, i dont like ur code...
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RE: Wechall Chess
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Quote from space
maybe u first learn oop-php and make sure u watch out how GWF3 and GDO works, that could be easier 4 u!?

i'm sorry, i dont like ur code...

I know that the code is very ugly. I wanted to write a working piece of (fast) code and not win a beauty contest with it. (Nevertheless, I'll clean it up as soon as all featureas are implemented.)

At the moment, I have implemented all chess rules. I think it works, but I think some testing is necessary. If someone would write a client which is working with the "API" (see NotationOfMoves) it would me much easier. I don't think I'll change the way how programmers should interact with my piece of software.
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