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I thought you might be interested in this article:

Hackers compete in global rankings

Last edited by Martin Thoma - Aug 29, 2011 - 10:22:04
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RE: RankMyHack
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How is it workin' when submitting some hack?
Whoz provin' the hack?
Do u think it's a good idea to make your hackz public in this way?
It's just a matter of time until the FBI (f.e.) will catch you ;-)
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RE: RankMyHack
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Quote from Jinx
Aug 29, 2011 - 12:17:41

Do u think it's a good idea to make your hackz public in this way?
It's just a matter of time until the FBI (f.e.) will catch you ;-)

No kidding. Smile
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RE: RankMyHack
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@Jinx: I have know idea how it should work. I have the same concerns as you have. My first thought was, that this is just another challenge website. But I couldn't find challenges on this site, only "hack page xyz" challenges.
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RE: RankMyHack
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It looks to me like a place to go to brag about your illegal hacks. I suppose everyone likes to get credit for their accomplishments. That is understandable, but given the nature of the business this really seems dangerous to me.

On the technical side, I kinda wonder how they verify a hack. What prevents someone from simply making something up or taking credit for someone else's hack. Maybe that is explained somewhere?

I'll be reading the resources page at least:
Last edited by shadum - Aug 29, 2011 - 16:36:40
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RE: RankMyHack
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Well, if you can write down data, you could leave a public RSA key. But this would be very, very foolish. Would be the same as breaking in a house and leaving your signature there, wouldn't it?

No matter how they verify a hack and give somebody the credits, the police can do the same. They might not have the identity, but I would not like to risk it.
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Maybe it's a conspiracy created by the police. ;-)
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RE: RankMyHack
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Quote from Jinx
Aug 30, 2011 - 12:20:40

Maybe it's a conspiracy created by the police. ;-)

Ha! Smile If it wasn't created by the police, I bet they are collecting donations to keep the site active.
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RE: RankMyHack
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Quote from Martin
Aug 30, 2011 - 11:54:00

Well, if you can write down data, you could leave a public RSA key. But this would be very, very foolish. Would be the same as breaking in a house and leaving your signature there, wouldn't it?

Why leaving a public RSA key? I guess, you mean leaving digitally-signed data, which can be proven by the public key of the attacker?

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