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Couple of Thoughts

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Hungary is the second on .
Maybe this is not what I can be proud of Smile
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Why it would be dumb:
Having a few more points for your country than the one below you but with a lot more users makes your country look like only n00bs live there.
Also, it would fill the lower regions of the global ranking with your nationality.
If someone with a higher than average score were to attempt this, they would have to spend hundreds of hours on creating multiple accounts on the different sites and solving challenges on them. And then run the risk of getting caught, deleted and publicly humiliated.
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I'm regarding the country ranking as some neat statistic, but it does not have much significance.

Only the top 10 makes "sense", France and Germany are the "winners" because they have so many players.
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My ideas:
- Instead of giving a country ranking, just make it some kind of statistics, so there's no need to cheat.
- Maybe give statistics on number of users, total score, average score, top score, etc...
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But it already *is* just statistics. Sorted descending by total score Smile
I left the average out on purpose, hoping people will entice their countrymen to start challenging.

btw, where are the english speakers?
Where are all the brits, yanks, ozzies and canucks?

Are they ashamed of their countries and mostly listed as Cyberia?
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If I understand quangntenemy correctly, I think he meant the statistics should answer the question: Where do most users come from and how are their scores like?

Not where are the best players coming from?

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Btw, can the country flag be displayed in the forum, next to the username?
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And what about the avatars ?
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The avatar remains there, of course.
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Did a little change on the country-ranking.
It now has an average column and the score, usercount and average columns are now sortable.
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