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Answer doesn't work  Go to the Training: Regex challenge

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'edited out' doesn't work
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Hi, I'd like to ask why 'edited out' isn't a correct solution to this problem.
Everywhere I look it says this will accept only an empty string.

Last edited by TheBigY - Mar 03, 2012 - 20:37:57
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RE: ^$ doesn't work
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Quote from Challenge
Also note that you have to submit delimiters in the patterns too. Example pattern: /joe/i. The delimiter has to be /

Did you remember to add those? Also, edit your post, it's giving away the solution to the first part (it's not that difficult to find out, but still...) :/
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RE: ^$ doesn't work
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For the first regex training challenge you have to give the delimiter too, like /edited too/

Happy Challenging!

Edit: monnino was faster than me Smile
By the way, your solution accepts more than an empty string, which you can learn about in anoter challenge from ludde: /challenge/training/regex2/index.php
For the current challenge it is accepted though.
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Last edited by gizmore - Mar 03, 2012 - 20:39:03
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RE: ^$ doesn't work
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Thanks, I did forget to do that. I'll edit my post so it doesn't give the answer away anymore.
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