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Security Traps Team CTF

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Security Traps Team CTF
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I would like to invite all of you to participate in Security Traps Capture The Flag event.
You can make up teams(max 3 people per team) or play individually Smile
I will try to create hard, non-trivial and original challenges from domains like php-hackmes, c++ riddles, cracking crypto-algorithms and more ;)

We start about 20.08.2012, so I hope you will play it and all of you will prove your great skill ;))

I will add more info on soon.

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RE: Security Traps Team CTF
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Very good idea Mawekl Smile
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RE: Security Traps Team CTF
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Registration is open now Smile
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RE: Security Traps Team CTF
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There is an event on facebook:
Please join and invite some friends Smile
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RE: Security Traps Team CTF
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I wonder if your very first own CTF is still running and has some participants.
It would be a shame if only a few people would learn from your excellent challenges.

From what i have seen from your site, the challenges are very creative, unique, and real security traps.

So if you, the reader, is interested in hacking and programming, this CTF probably is a nice startler Smile

Happy Challenging!
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Last edited by gizmore - Aug 04, 2012 - 23:44:57
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