Restrict session to IP 

i don't no where i am making the mistake  Go to the Training: MySQL I challenge

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i don't no where i am making the mistake
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Hi. i am getting tru with the sql injection however i keep logging in as AaronAAaronson. i did a complete sql injection where i got all the users in the table and the respective hash for the passwords but the hash for admin isnt an md5 and well there is a message when you can read this you really........(the end). please help
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RE: i don't no where i am making the mistake
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Seems you're overthinking this one a bit. Have another look at the source; it's pretty clear about what you need. If you got as far as you did, it should be a piece of cake to finish it.

Also, you not being able to crack it doesn't stop something from being an MD5 hash. Amongst other things. ;)
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RE: i don't no where i am making the mistake
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MD5 hash is no usefulness. think about the syntax concerning the comment In mySQL syntax. Smile)
Last edited by sisyang - Nov 18, 2013 - 02:10:43
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