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The Glocke (Holographic Universe Generator)

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The Glocke (Holographic Universe Generator)
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The Glocke (Holographic Universe Generator)

In the second world war Adolf Hitler and the german army researched ancient technologies and were in search of what they considered the holy grail. Adolf Hitler thought they had found it. They were developing a secret device that they named the glocke. The glocke was a liquid state hologram generator a kind of holographic universe generator. To understand what is ment consider a camera pointed into a television that is showing the image from the camera. The television will display infinate images inside eachother. Each image is seperated by one time step, the time that it takes for the image from the camera to be displayed on the television screen. Each recrusion is an image further in the past. The glocke theory is that spinning plasma can course a refraction of light producing an image of the input light. In the image there is further infinate recrusions of the same image similar to the camera at television effect. Each image is seperated by one time step, the minimum step of a photon. Time can be considered as the step from one image to the next or the minimum step of a photon.

What if the future happened in the past

If such a technologie exists as the holographic universe generator where it is possible to replay light. Outside of this universe we might already be in the future inside a divice that replays time. If a space craft that is capable of super luminal teleportation, teleports 2013 light years away from earth the light traveling away from the earth at that point will show images of Jesus walking around on earth. If the crew were to create a hologram of that light time would replay from the year 0 again. Also the craft would be in the hologram 2013 light years away from earth. If the craft was to teleport back to earth they would arive in the year 0 in the hologram. Just in time to witness the birth of Jesus crist. May this effect explain the presence of ancient space craft.
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RE: The Glocke (Holographic Universe Generator)
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Quote from vbms
If the craft was to teleport back to earth they would arive in the year 0 in the hologram

unfortunatly not, you are in the year 2013... 2013 light years from earth, teleporting back would mean you are in the year 2013.... 0 light years from earth.(unless you somehow went from real... looking at a hologram to suddenly being a hologram?)
instead you would have to teleport 2013 light years away from earth and set up a quantumly coupled telescope(with earth) pointing back at earth viewing light from 0 and broadcasting now.....

On another note, i believe the entire observable universe exists within the singularty of a black hole, explaining dark energy/matter is simply energy/matter pulled into the black hole and thus becoming part of our universe from the 'outerverse'.

Also aliens are either other planets of us formed millions of years ago with more evolved humans or literally us, more evolved, in the future, invented time-travel... came back, seeded their planet to make them... Drool
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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RE: The Glocke (Holographic Universe Generator)
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i was thinking the version of the craft that is in the hologram. it would also be possible to take a picture of jesus by teleporting the photons back and recording them that are already 2014 years away. im interested in the idea of the universe existing on the horizon of a black hole, normaly i was thinking they are just verry heavy so they pull in the light no other effect happening. do you have some links to the idea.
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