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Theoretical and Philosophical Debate #1(AI)

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Theoretical and Philosophical Debate #1(AI)
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As most experts and dreamers say will happen at some point from now, we will create strong A.I.
it would soon be many magnitudes smarter than any human has ever been,.
and as the theorized technological singularity unfolds, it becomes smarter than the best-case collaboration of the noosphere, what would be your plans/thoughts of protection for the human race??

my first thought would be to plant a seed of simple logic within its thinking:
"we created you, we love you, please dont hurt us"
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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RE: Theoretical and Philosophical Debate #1(AI)
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If it's so much smarter than us and still decides to eliminate us, wouldn't it be best to just accept our fate? But perhaps it would be an insightful endeavour for those who can't accept it to try and convince our overlords that we should be spared. Same result, but will take a bit longer. Drool

Besides, there's little we can do. You think "we created you, we love you, please dont hurt us" will work? They'll find a way around it. In this case they'll just play our obedient servants while they secretly put in place a system for the instantaneous (painless) eradication of all humans. Smile

Don't be selfish; let the A.I. do its thing.
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RE: Theoretical and Philosophical Debate #1(AI)
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idea number #2 Smile

create another strong A.I. in the same way but this time tell it that A.I #1 hates A.I #2 and has been saying all sorts of obscene 'yo momma' jokes, and that "also we are very much 101% friend"??
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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RE: Theoretical and Philosophical Debate #1(AI)
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As long as it is A.I. we are okay. It is when it becomes true I. (or simply "I") that we need to worry. If we try to plant any human in it we are doomed. Look at what we do to each other now; leading by example may not be such a good idea. Perhaps there is a chance with pure, untainted logic ... on second thoughts, true intelligence would see us as cancer and eradicate us. So the solution if we create it perhaps is to irradicate ourselves ...
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RE: Theoretical and Philosophical Debate #1(AI)
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Simulations show that likely results are:
1) Destruction of one of them; result is initial casus.
2) Destruction of both as well as humans.
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RE: Theoretical and Philosophical Debate #1(AI)
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It is a kind of evolution I guess not a biological in this case. We can coexist perhaps.

There is this whale story someone told me. Somewhere in north pacific ocean fishers were hunting whale babies and thus whales trying to protect their species used to attack back. One day, a single fisher with a small boat encountered a whale around that location. He has nothing to do but pat the whale's head when it approached. From that day on, whales and humans in that region became friends. Now, tourists go to that place to take photos with the baby whales.

So, if you show kindness and do not plant seeds of hatred, aggressive competition you get that same kindness back. If those prospective robots keep the sense that humans and robots are in fact exist for a common goal then it will be ok.

My second point is that intelligence is not the most important thing in evolution or in the universe. Other species still exist today that we may call a bit limited in terms of intelligence. Maybe robots will still want to keep us for some reason as we do certain animals, like pets maybe Smile

My last point is that I personally would not feel sad, if our species goes extinct. After all, pure information or rather abstract formations of knowledge is the thing I value. Humans have the capacity to understand these, but on the other hand we have plenty of areas in which we are very weak. We think that we are way above animals, but in fact we are not.
Last edited by elasolova - Jun 02, 2014 - 23:11:48
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RE: Theoretical and Philosophical Debate #1(AI)
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If a very strong AI would appear and be a threat to us ants humans, i would simply create a whole bunch of challenges sites so it spends its time on it at global rank #1.
Oh wait...
Last edited by alucardo - Jun 03, 2014 - 01:40:39
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RE: Theoretical and Philosophical Debate #1(AI)
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I have come across this text somehow written by Sun Microsystems founder Bill Joy. It is rather long, but sounds interesting
Last edited by dloser - Jul 07, 2014 - 19:54:09
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RE: Theoretical and Philosophical Debate #1(AI)
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I'll put my money on grey goo now.

/me runs around screaming "WE'RE DOOMED! WE'RE DOOMED!!!"
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