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Circumvent Mobile Phone throttle for fun and profit

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Circumvent Mobile Phone throttle for fun and profit
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A few weeks ago, someone asked me how you could get full bandwith with your mobile phone €10 cards for the rest of the month.
The two techniques described here might work on various setups with modifications.


I am not sure if this is illegal, and i am not sure if your service provider is doing illegal things either... but here is how it works.
In case it´s illegal, don´t do it Smile

===== 8< =====


Android Mobile with AldiTalk €10 Preload Card


Throttled will kick in later this month after 1GB of traffic or whatever

Solution (untested):

- Install a phone blacklist app
- Put all Alditalk numbers on the blacklist to block silent configuration sms
- Problem solved (untested)

===== 8< =====


Android Mobile with AldiTalk €10 Preload Card


Throttle already kicked in after 2GB of traffic or whatever

Solution (unconfirmed)

- Install a local proxy that can modify headers, or a browser that can modify headers
- The proxy shall modify your HTTP HOSTNAME on the first request and use Keep-Alive (eg:
- All consecutive requests shall use the correct HTTP HOSTNAME (eg:


When your http request is using hostname, it is not-throttled.
The software on your phone will re-use the same unthrottled socket for all further requests for that connection.
So if you modify the http hostname to alditalk for your first request, the socket will get full speed.
The server will respond with failure for your first request, but all further, correct, requests are still full speed.

This might also work for special domains, like, as well.

====== 8< ======

Happy Hacking!
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