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RE: OpenID
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Quote from freeartman
Jun 30, 2011 - 16:54:20

If system crashes I can easely restore all passwords with email( for email i remember my pass.). Every site has "Restore password" button. If afraid from crash make backups if not its you responsebilty
(i dont afraid from crashes, i more afraid from updates then crashes.).

If it is possible to restore the passwords with email, you actually have something like OpenID. Your system has exactly the same weaknesses as OpenID, except the attacker doesn't instantly know the sites you use. Do you always delete the Emails you get from these sites? If the answer is no, you could use OpenID without worrying of a increased risk of beeing hacked.

edit 1: By the way, as you use, all users here do already know which sites you use. So you could use your Email (Googlemail, Yahoo, AOL?) as an OpenID without increasing your risk. No matter if you deleted the Emails you got from the Challange-Pages.

edit 2: Just found you by looking at your website. As you use GMail, you already have OpenID. And I've just seen your little StackOverflow Member-picture. Didn't you use OpenID for Stackoverflow? By the way, nice page.
edit 3: With a second look I found your full email-adress. I'm quite sure you use gmail for all challenge-sites, don't you?
Last edited by Martin Thoma - Jun 30, 2011 - 17:37:47
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RE: OpenID
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Its fully my response. I cannot blame some one else (OpenID,Google,AOL,Yahoo).

There is multiple emails for challange sites.

As I dont fully hide all info and i know what others know about me =].
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