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Couple of Thoughts

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Just had a couple of thoughts before bed. Don\'t know what you think but would be nice in my opinion if you could sort the ranking by Challenge site e.g. click at the top of the ranking to sort by tbs site or one of the others. \r\nAlso order the sites by most usage (based on registered users) so tbs/hackquest appear first and the other sites like NewbieContest where not as many people play appears to the right.
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I was thinking about the same... And may be to sort users by country too
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I built something like that a couple of days ago. But Gizmore hasn't published it yet.
I'm playing with some ideas about the ranking in my head as well. Keep those suggestions coming!
Last edited by Kender - Apr 11, 2008 - 23:31:43
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Thought also a country ranking option e.g. Team Germany, UK, France... As some counties don't have huge numbers of users maybe just the ranking based on top 3 or 5 from each country. Just a thought anyway.
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Since Gizmore is busy with a redesign, I published my change myself. There is now a Country Ranking.
Als, viewing someone's profile compares their score to yours in a graph.
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Looks like France old traditional enemy was Germany but now the main enemy is Cyberia Smile
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Country 2 cents.

Nationalistic sentiments may lead to people from the same country collaborating (which is not a bad thing) or cheating (usually frown upon by most site owners) and distorting the scores.
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The score points of all players from [country_xyz] are simply added?

Theoretically someone could sign up 100 players, every one solves some simple challenges and assign them to [country_xyz]...
Last edited by theAnswer - Apr 12, 2008 - 20:42:00
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Theoretically yes.
But that would be wasting a lot of time on a very dumb thing to do if you think about it.
Not something to worry about.
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Kender, not everybody thinks rationally. Sometimes, the heart rules the head. When the aggregate country scores become close, it will get competitive and people will start to do funny things.

I remember one particular online game at, in which you support your country by making a click. They have now introduced captcha verification, to make cheating harder. But at the beginning, I remember reading in forums and blogs where people were telling their friends to go to the site to cast a vote for their country. Yes, it was very successful in the sense that it generated a lot of nationalism and interest. But "clever" people started to cheat with Javascript and stuff. In the end, the results didn't mean anything.
Last edited by Sphinx - Apr 13, 2008 - 03:14:48
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