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Trying something out  Go to the Warchall: Tryouts challenge

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Trying something out
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I am happy to announce ...

matrixman has sent in a new challenge for the warchall box and it just got installed.

I think you need no hints or help, so we just wish you

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Trying something out
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There was some misconfiguration on the box.

Good news is that password reset finally works, so to reset your password simply goto challenge/warchall/begins to reset it.

In case your login seems messed up without any prompt, try ctrl+c, edit your .bashrc and remove "exec /bin/bash" from it. (thx kwisatz)
In case erverything fails, drop me a pm and i fix your account.

There is one user "g00ber" who is for sure unlucky to have his password messed up while writing the new create scripts.
A reset should now fix it.

Nontheless we wish you
Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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