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Something wrong with the challenge?  Go to the Warchall: Tryouts challenge

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Something wrong with the challenge?
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What we are supposed to do here? (Except from reading solution.txt)

I ask because the executable can't be run and the source code can't be read. Is this a mistake made while setting up the challege, or there is another catch I must be aware of while solving the challenge?

Thank you!
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RE: Something wrong with the challenge?
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The challenge owners and perms look borked. You should be able to run it, but not see the source I think.
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RE: Something wrong with the challenge?
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Here are the permissions.
GeSHi`ed Plaintext code
-rwxr--r-- 1 matrixman matrixman   88 May  7  2012
-rwx------ 3 sracka    sracka      17 May  6  2012 solution.txt
-rwx------ 3 sracka    sracka    7155 May  7  2012 tryouts
-rw------- 1 matrixman matrixman 1743 May  6  2012 tryouts.c

This means I can't run it while I'm logged in using my account. Only when you are logged in as "sracka" you are able to run the program.
I don't want to blame Gizmore as encouragdt on IRC topic message, but I have to say:

Gizmore, can you check the permissions? Smile

~ Peace
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