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first of all why I cannot use the PM option ??? it says :"You reached your PM limit for today. You can send max 0 PMs within 12h." ??

the forum of many other challenges are not accessible why??

concerning the challenge Enlightment I have a question

should I decode the three big binary codes yes or no????
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RE: odd
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1) You need 250 points to send 1PM a day. this is to prevent spambots.

2) If there is a bug in the forum please send a link to reproduce

3) You should try basic operations with the input
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: odd
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if I should try basic operation with the input , then , can you tell me why the challenge belongs to the encoding session and not to Math or logic session and why there are these binary codes ?????
what are these binary codes for??????
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I am sorry that not everything is like you expect.
Maybe it is in encoding because color shemes are kinda encoding stuff sometimes as well.
I am not sure and have to apologize.
Also sorry that not every account can send PM instantaniously.
I hope you can forgive me and i somehow can apologize for the time you have wasted.

Kind Regards
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judging from the type of your challenges , Gizmore, that are created to disable the challenger instead of stimulating in him the instructive positive psychological and mental powers and due to the manner by which you reply me and the other users and the contradictions and dissimulation in your speech , it is clear that not only your challenges are nonsensical and ambiguous and are made to fool and cheat the challengers but also the forum itself is used to mislead and fool the challengers.
is not the fact that some challengers who solve the challenges very quickly (in a record time) meanwhile other who have taken many years and are unable to solve even the first ten challenges a big proof that those who solved them very quickly did not solve them by themselves and throughout patience and hours and hours of thinking and endurance but by either cheating by seeing some of challenges solution in the internet or by working in a group or getting the support of their teachers or comrades in working meanwhile those who work honestly and alone without any support get a lot of trouble and problems and do not progress and are unable to solve the challenges. I prefer to solve them , if I am convinced to solve them like the first challenges whose contents were clear , alone then cheating by getting a big support like other challengers who solved the majority of these challenges and then they become arrogant and mislead others as if they solve these challenges by themselves , shame on you.

finally , as a consequence the ranks in this site , like for example your rank Gismore 118 , are fake and do not reflect the real capacities of the challengers . But if you are so confident of yourself Gismore , so I can give you , personally , some hacking challenges I made like I am trying to solve yours , you solve mine . like that I will prove to the world and to 7000 users in this site that your rank is fake and your real rank is more or less equal to the honest challengers who could not solve these challenges of yours not the other who get support from many people . You wanna bet ? solve them alone and I will try to mislead you and laugh at you like you do with me Gismore , in your replies, . whenever you ask for help to solve my challenges.
you will never be able to solve them not even in your dreams , believe me . You wanna try them come an and try them
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if you wanna a list of my challenges I can give you some , you tell me that you accept the bet and my challenges then I can give them to you either in your site or by email or wherever you want
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RE: odd
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You not being able to solve a challenge and not getting the help you want doesn't mean there's a big conspiracy going on.

If you can't solve it now, just leave it be for a while. Perhaps at a later time, possibly with some more experience, you can find the right approach. You do not have a right to be able to solve a challenge right away. Sorry and welcome to the club.

Going around throwing accusations everywhere makes you just look like a small child. Your bet is petty and meaningless.
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I did not say there is a conspiracy I solved challenges that were more sophisticated then this because I had some vital clues . in the forum there are no clues but only a misleading not against me but against all users so that they are lost and cannot solve the challenges . Look , for example , to Gizmore replies when I asked him :"should I decode the three big binary codes yes or no????" his answer was :"You should try basic operations with the input" , he did not answer me by yes or no so that i remain confused then when i asked him if ........................
what are these binary codes for?????? his answer " I am sorry ...." is not this an escaping from the answering and he said "Maybe it is in encoding because color shemes are kinda encoding stuff sometimes as well. Maybe???????? you are not the one who create the challenge , you act as if you do not know it !!!!!!! Maybe it is in encoding because color shemes are kinda encoding stuff sometimes as well .

encoding=In computers, encoding is the process of putting a sequence of characters (letters, numbers, punctuation, and certain symbols) into a specialized format for efficient transmission or storage. Decoding is the opposite process -- the conversion of an encoded format back into the original sequence of characters. Encoding and decoding are used in data communications, networking, and storage. The term is especially applicable to radio (wireless) communications systems.

when you said :because color shemes are kinda encoding stuff you are only fooling me , you are a cheater and a liar

I asked you more than two times if the binary must be decode you did not answer , does it hurt to say yes or no ? does it give the solution no

and if you do not want to provide some clues why the hell you make a forum at all , you can cancel the forum because normally it is a place for help but I see that in this site it is only to fool people

I can solve any challenge if I have some clues like a detective who based on clues can find the criminal , even the process of thinking needs clues with clues the mind cannot work , this is what Immanuel Kant in his book "Kritik der praktischen Vernunft" said , the mind cannot see the thing in itself by itself , it should have some hints , clues . without clues there no solutions or answers except if challengers get support from many experts or advanced people like many challengers in this site and by experts I do not mean in the internet , I mean in real life , at university or school we need some clues or cancel the forum

"Going around throwing accusations everywhere makes you just look like a small child. Your bet is petty and meaningless"

I do not accuse anyone of anything , there are facts , fact is the challenges in this site are not a reference for ranks , I am convinced that the ranks in this site and in many others are really fake based on the type of challenges and on the disproportionality of time in which the challenges
are solved

Your bet is petty and meaningless , an other proof that the ranks are fake because if you trust yourself , you would accept the bet but due to your fake capacities , you do not trust yourself and therfore you know that you will never be able to solve so that you accuse them of petty and meaningless
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i can only agree here.
the cake is a lie!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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Quote from dloser
Oct 27, 2013 - 01:43:17

You not being able to solve a challenge and not getting the help you want doesn't mean there's a big conspiracy going on.

If you can't solve it now, just leave it be for a while. Perhaps at a later time, possibly with some more experience, you can find the right approach. You do not have a right to be able to solve a challenge right away. Sorry and welcome to the club.

Going around throwing accusations everywhere makes you just look like a small child. Your bet is petty and meaningless.

Totally this Smile

Now firstly. I notice that you strongard63 are also registered on my own challenge site RevolutionElite. Are you going to attack my challenge style too?
Gizmore's rank is of no consequence. There are people here who have solved all challenges on WeChall purely because they took the time to try things instead of complain, and I can assure you that Gizmore's rank on tbs for example is genuine. Although I am higher rank than him globally, I can tell you that Gizmore has both written (and solved) challenges that I doubt I'll ever understand, but rank isn't what it is about.

We're all here to have fun, and if you don't like WeChall's style, move onto another site. I'll be honest - I totally dislike the style of WeChall's challenges, this is why I don't (or hardly) play here but I also know that this site contains some real gems and one day I may take another look.
We are all entitled to our opinion on what we like or don't like but throwing around accusations and making childish bets has just lost you a lot of respect in this community I am sure.

Nobody needs to prove anything to anyone, I can vouch for Gizmore's genuine rank, however there ARE people here who do, or have in the past, cheat(ed). Does it matter? I think not. They either learn from their mistakes or continue making those mistakes. Doesn't bother me, purely because RANK means nothing to me.
We are here to learn and have fun. That is all.

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