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odd  Go to the Enlightment challenge

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PS Enlightenment IS crypto and it can be solved by trying some basic operations.
To answer your original question yes you have to decode the binary but not separately. Use some math.

Best hint I can also think of is:
"You should try basic operations with the input"
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You might not have said 'conspiracy' yourself, strongard63, but claiming that people and challenges here intentionally 'fool', 'cheat' and 'mislead' people and that the rankings are 'fake' - a word that also implies intention, b.t.w. - is not far off (if at all). If these are not accusations, and neither is the suggestion that people who can solve these challenge cheat or get 'expert' help, then what are they?

As for the Enlightenment challenge: there are enough clues. I know, because I solved it without cheating and without extra support. Asking things like "should i decode it?" and "tell me the encoding?" suggests to me that you are completely missing the point of the challenge (it being figuring out what you should do and what the "encoding" is). Is the challenge bad? Perhaps, I don't know. But if you are going to throw a fit for every bad challenge out there, you have quite a long road ahead of you. If you throw a fit for every challenge you can't solve, probably an even longer road.

Something that might also help you, and not only here, is working a bit on your communication skills. Do you really need to repeat punctuation marks that much? It comes across as needy and whiny. Perhaps focus instead on putting punctuation where it actually helps people digest your sentences. While you're at it, try and remember who you are actually responding to (was it me or gizmore?) and attempt to spell their name(s) right (there's nothing as sloppy as misspelling someone's name). Finally, do away with the logical fallacies; presenting someone with a challenge and calling them yellow if they don't take it is a tactic more commonly employed on playgrounds.
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Quote from dloser
Oct 27, 2013 - 12:46:47

As for the Enlightenment challenge: there are enough clues. I know, because I solved it without cheating and without extra support.

Me too Smile and many others I imagine...
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"Something that might also help you, and not only here, is working a bit on your communication skills. Do you really need to repeat punctuation marks that much? It comes across as needy and whiny. Perhaps focus instead on putting punctuation where it actually helps people digest your sentences"

if my communication skills are bad you would not be able to understand that "a word that also implies intention, b.t.w. - is not far off (if at all)" and "presenting someone with a challenge and calling them yellow if they don't take it is a tactic more commonly employed on playgrounds."

you understand very well what I wrote and my communication skills are totally normal and clear , I was in many forums , in the past , and all users and administrators were able to understood clearly what I wrote . So what you said about my communication is nonsense because if it was so bad you would not be able to understand me and reply me

"While you're at it, try and remember who you are actually responding to (was it me or gizmore?)"

if you read carefully you would , easily , understand that my third message was a response to you dloser , you are the first rank in all the world and you are unable to figure it out !!!!!!??? Sancta Simplicitas

"and attempt to spell their name(s) right (there's nothing as sloppy as misspelling someone's

your name in the identity card is dloser???!!!! when we talk by microphone I will spell your name perfectly . Sancta Simplicitas

I say it now and I said it before the fact that you consider my bet as childish Dloser is a proof that you cannot solve them , you are afraid , you escape solving them by accusing my bet to be childish and pretending that my communication is .....maybe you are better than me in these hack challenges but I am hundred time better than you in other sciences , like psychology , philosophy , political science , literature , poems , linguistic , languages , physics and even in the school of mother life

and you no need to answer me anymore because the more you answer the more I will reply , you do not know me and I do not know , you do not judge me and I do not judge you and our discussion brings nothing , so we stop here
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Quote from strongard63
Oct 27, 2013 - 19:04:10

maybe you are better than me in these hack challenges but I am hundred time better than you in other sciences , like psychology , philosophy , political science , literature , poems , linguistic , languages , physics and even in the school of mother life

Quote from strongard63
Oct 27, 2013 - 19:04:10

you do not know me and I do not know , you do not judge me and I do not judge you and our discussion brings nothing , so we stop here

Simply LOL
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this is message is for you Sabretooth ,
first I want to say thank you for your flexibility , I mean " yes you have to decode the binary but not separately. Use some math". this is a good hint

secondly , you said :"I notice that you strongard63 are also registered on my own challenge site RevolutionElite. Are you going to attack my challenge style too?

I do not know if you have figured it out or not , I solved the first challenge , the observation challenge , that others could not solve in on year . This is not arrogance , I am a beginner , I know my limits , but , in the same time , i wanted to show you that when I have the clues in the forum and when the challenge stimulate the nerves and the instructive thinking , howsoever sophisticated it is I will be able to solve it. Moreover , the observation challenge is an impressive , and extraordinary piece of art , it is based on the power of precision of the eyes of the face combined with the the eyes of the mind this makes me remember a quote of Pablo Picasso :"Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun".

and who told I "attack" the challenge style??!! I attacked the style of replying of the one who created the challenge and not the challenge. Read my messages from the beginning and do not read them , in the middle . The bottom line : I wanted clues to the Enlightment challenge and the one who created the Enlightment challenge did not provide any clue instead he misled me and I become more confused .

"Best hint I can also think of is:
"You should try basic operations with the input" for you it is the best for me not : do not forget that your level is more high than mine , I am new even to computer world , meanwhile you get sustained for years and years , you learn at university , you had friends in your league , I am mew to computer and to hacking and I have no friends or teachers in the field of computer science and I never studied any type of computer hacking method , I do not have any special resources in computer hacking method , I use only my brain and although when I find the RIGHT clues I solve any hacking challenge.
in all the forum , the best clue :"yes you have to decode the binary but not separately. Use some math". this is a good hint " all the other is rubbish
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one last thing , to conclude :
I know that I am a beginner , that I am ignorant in computer hacking , I am hell newbie , noobie , lost
I no need any respect of anyone who have a very high rank in computer hacking in this site
I need YOUR CLUES , YOUR HINTS other things does not concern me , save anything else and more importantly if you are unable to give GOOD RIGHT hints , do not reply me when I post my questions in the forum and if you reply me , post something instructive in my low level and other users low level
or shut the hell up

best regards
thanks for the community
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Quote from strongard63
Oct 27, 2013 - 19:44:14

or shut the hell up

Well as you're being so nice about it ... Smile

Ok I'm out. It's been fun Smile
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the last message is not for your sabretooth it is , in the general , for the ones who created the challenges , i mean if they want us to solve the challenges either they give us (the low level users) some right hints that is compatible with our low levels or they should save their breath has nothing to do with bad manners

best regard for the high ranks in the community
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Fine, one for the road. But only because you want me to, strongard63.

It is interesting how you start off stating that I understand you perfectly and immediately after that demonstrate that this is not the case. Regardless, I did not claim I could not understand you. My comments were with regards to presentation and how people may perceive your messages. But I guess you are right, as you've shown that people indeed misunderstand some of your messages (the latest example being the kind "stfu").

By the way, I think you meant your fourth message, right? The third one is the one I referred to in regards to the misspelling of names ('Gismore'). But let's see whom this fourth message is directed to. "[W]hen you said[: ']because color s[c]hemes ..." Oh, right, I forgot I was the one who said that. My mistake.

Then the bet. Again. It may very well be that I'm scared of doing and/or not able to do your challenges and I'll be the first to admit that my #1 ranking in no way means that I'm the best around here. But proof that I cannot solve your challenges? With the concept of 'proof' that I'm accustomed to, I can only see this as a childish dare. But feel free to take it as an opportunity to boast about your own greatness. I'm sure that will fill the readers with amazement and definitely not suspicions of delusional grandeur.

To conclude I would like to repeat what I said before: you are not entitled to being able to solve a challenge. Everyone can solve all challenges with the "right" hints. If you can't figure it out with the hints you get, perhaps you should wait with that challenge until your skills are a bit better and do some others first.

And trust me, with the right attitude you'll find that we really are not such a bad bunch.
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