Quote from strongard63Oct 29, 2013 - 06:50:43
Sabretooth , Gizmore , Dloser and Kender these are exceptions not in the meaning that they are genuious but in the meaning that they were favored by exceptional circumstances
what are these circumstances: for example
1)being born in a developed country like Germany or USA
2)having study at the most powerful university in the world under the hands of most powerful teacher in computer science
5)having the encouragement of the family or having computer scientist in the family like the father or the uncle
3)having enough money
4)having social supports
5) political supports and so on
6)the freedom and the tolerance and the acceptance of the other
Let me address this.
1) I am in the UK, yes you are correct on this point. It is a developed country.
2) I am unqualified and currently do not hold a degree

5) I am the only member of my family into computing. My father is a manual worker and computers he says are 'after his time'. When my mother was alive she was even moreso computer illiterate. I have no Uncles etc. Ps. why is this point numbered 5?
3) I do now due to my job, but I have been struggling all my life to make ends meet. Despite the fact I live in a developed country, England is also one of the more expensive countries in the world to live.
4) No. no no no. I am self taught. My friends don't take an interest in this. I just get lots of books and read a lot. Dont believe me? Here:
http://sabrefilms.co.uk/store/books.jpg The exception is on the forums and in IRC. There are many other challengers who have helped me out over the years and in turn I have done likewise
5) Political? Yikes. that would make me want to run away.
6) Yes. Totally agree.
Now let me explain something further about point 2. I WILL hold an undergraduate degree as on next month. I started doing this sort of stuff self-taught with little support 14 years ago. After 10 years of challenges and hacking I thought "Hey. Maybe I can do this for a living" and THEN decided to go to university, but university taught me very little - I already possessed a lot of the knowledge from SELF-study.
If you want to succeed in this field, read a lot, then read some more. Learn some math. try things.
I think you are correct that with the 'right hints' any challenge can be solved, what is even more true and impressive is that with the right 'knowledge', hints are not even needed.
Good luck
