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"Everyone can solve all challenges with the "right" hints"
this is because you do not know what is the meaning of a right hint WITHOUT QUOTES

A right hint is not the solution nor is it the path toward the solution and it has nothing to do with the solution . A right hint told the challenger "what the hell is going on around him" nothing more . the ability to solve the challenge depends on things that has nothing to do with "what the hell is going on around him" , it depends on many things like concentration , the quantity of knowledge , the psychological state , the precision , the methodology of working , the power of association and abstraction , patience , endurance , experience , and the ability to exploit the information you have ......this from one part , from another part , I was able to solve , in the past , many challenges (when I had the right clues) that others who are more advanced in rank than me were unable to solve .

in addition to that , we are not the same , we do not think in the same way , we are totally different , and we do not have the same circumstances . Therefore every one of us conceive the "right" hint in a way that is different if not opposite from the other , that is to say that the right hint for you is a bad hint for me , and the bad hint for X challenger is the right one for Y challenger . this no one can deny it .

so this "Everyone can solve all challenges with the "right" hints" is nonsense

except this :

"perhaps you should wait with that challenge until your skills are a bit better and do some others first.

And trust me, with the right attitude you'll find that we really are not such a bad bunch"

that is reasonable from your part and with which I totally agree with you , the rest of your speech has no meaning and no sense and is only PREJUDICES and prejudicial .

do not concentrate in the meaning of words because you cannot understand them so that you interpret them wrongly and attribute things that are contrary to what I am why??? because you do not know me in real life , this is only internet , and because whenever you try to understand them you will combine them with your emotions so that they become distorted. According to Maurice Merleau ponty and Thomas Nagel we can achieve objectivity only if we detach ourselves from ourselves and this is what Pablo Picasso meant when he said :"Every act of creation is first an act of destruction".
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Indeed, I do not know you. That's why all I have to go on are your words. And that's why I keep urging you to pick them a little better. Misinterpretation is not just to blame on the reader.

For example, can you really blame me for going from "I can solve any challenge if I have some clues ..." and "... when I find the RIGHT clues I solve any hacking challenge." to "Everyone can solve all challenges with the "right" hints."? The only difference is the subject. Or are you really that incredibly special?

All I really hope is that you will reflect on yourself and see how things like judging someone you don't know and distortions through emotions might apply to the things you've said here. And so will I try to reflect on myself.
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be water my friend

you see my friend this is a big problem : you do not open the mind of your eyes when you read

concerning this :

For example, can you really blame me for going from "I can solve any challenge if I have some clues ..." and "... when I find the RIGHT clues I solve any hacking challenge." to "Everyone can solve all challenges with the "right" hints."? The only difference is the subject. Or are you really that incredibly special?

I already answered you :

the answer :

we are not the same , we do not think in the same way , we are totally different , and we do not have the same circumstances . Therefore every one of us conceive the "right" hint in a way that is different if not opposite from the other , that is to say that the right hint for you is a bad hint for me , and the bad hint for X challenger is the right one for Y challenger

when I said the RIGHT clue I mean the right clue FOR ME not for the others . When I get it , this right clue I will be able to solve , without any doubt and be sure of it , any hacking challenge. All is a matter of time and the challenge is solved

Or the right hint for me is a bad hint for others , and the right hint for others is a bad hint for me

is it so difficult to understand this my friend Dloser???

the right hint , like the phenomenology of Perception of Maurice Merlau ponty , is the right for me and me only . a right hint , the one that is proportionate with my physiognomy and spirit, is like the Marxist " prise de conscience" " if the idea penetrates the mass it becomes power". it should prepare the challenger psychologically to attack the challenge , like the soldier , before making the war should be prepared for invasion..
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Which do you prefer, Pikachu or Gyarados?
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I prefer the right clues to solve the challenges
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Hint: although the gyarados looks tough it is of water element while pikachu is electric
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quangntenemy your hint is very powerful , metaphoric and you are a master in the symbolist manifesto and symbolism but for the sake of wisdom : if I understand it well , gyarados and pikachu represent the challenger and the challenge and electricity and water represent the conflict.

there are two types of attack:
mental attack and instinctual attack. We find the latter in animals like wolves and lions meanwhile the former is in human beings . in a corporal collision, The instinctual attack is far too powerful and sophisticated than the mental attack . It is far more effective because it conceals the process of thinking , Nietzsche the father of modern philosophy in his philosophy of the superman called it the non historical moment . and Osho the father of meditation called it the emotional phase in which the I and the world become one entity. However , when dealing with mathematics and computer science we "divide" namely the mental attack. when we deal with the mental attack your metaphoric , suggestive symbolism becomes weak because . the mental attack is based on 80% knowledge and 20% inspiration . the more the knowledge accumulated in you the more you become able to solve the challenge whatsoever is and whatsoever its sophistication is . It is resumed in this principle:"the quantitative accumulative provokes a qualitative change " . So what is needed is information , and happy who have the information. The information about all the secret techniques of hacking and mysterious tricks that YOU CANNOT FIND IT IN THE INTERNET for many reasons:
either they are sponsored censored , or exist but it is difficult to find it in the gigantic internet.

Sabretooth , Gizmore , Dloser and Kender these are exceptions not in the meaning that they are genuious but in the meaning that they were favored by exceptional circumstances :"exceptional talents do not when its reward unless favored by exceptional circumstances. Look to the passive grammatical form ( they were favored) it means that they did not choose these circumstances but they were born and grow up to find these circumstances
what are these circumstances: for example
1)being born in a developed country like Germany or USA
2)having study at the most powerful university in the world under the hands of most powerful teacher in computer science
5)having the encouragement of the family or having computer scientist in the family like the father or the uncle
3)having enough money
4)having social supports
5) political supports and so on
6)the freedom and the tolerance and the acceptance of the other

the consequence , whatever man had the opportunities that had these exceptions , he would be as them because mind is the equal thing shared between human beings. only that the circumstance favor some people and some other not.

what a person need to solve these challenges is the secret knowledge and the right clues
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Quote from strongard63
Oct 29, 2013 - 06:50:43

Sabretooth , Gizmore , Dloser and Kender these are exceptions not in the meaning that they are genuious but in the meaning that they were favored by exceptional circumstances

what are these circumstances: for example
1)being born in a developed country like Germany or USA
2)having study at the most powerful university in the world under the hands of most powerful teacher in computer science
5)having the encouragement of the family or having computer scientist in the family like the father or the uncle
3)having enough money
4)having social supports
5) political supports and so on
6)the freedom and the tolerance and the acceptance of the other

Let me address this.
1) I am in the UK, yes you are correct on this point. It is a developed country.
2) I am unqualified and currently do not hold a degree Smile
5) I am the only member of my family into computing. My father is a manual worker and computers he says are 'after his time'. When my mother was alive she was even moreso computer illiterate. I have no Uncles etc. Ps. why is this point numbered 5?
3) I do now due to my job, but I have been struggling all my life to make ends meet. Despite the fact I live in a developed country, England is also one of the more expensive countries in the world to live.
4) No. no no no. I am self taught. My friends don't take an interest in this. I just get lots of books and read a lot. Dont believe me? Here: The exception is on the forums and in IRC. There are many other challengers who have helped me out over the years and in turn I have done likewise
5) Political? Yikes. that would make me want to run away.
6) Yes. Totally agree.

Now let me explain something further about point 2. I WILL hold an undergraduate degree as on next month. I started doing this sort of stuff self-taught with little support 14 years ago. After 10 years of challenges and hacking I thought "Hey. Maybe I can do this for a living" and THEN decided to go to university, but university taught me very little - I already possessed a lot of the knowledge from SELF-study.

If you want to succeed in this field, read a lot, then read some more. Learn some math. try things.
I think you are correct that with the 'right hints' any challenge can be solved, what is even more true and impressive is that with the right 'knowledge', hints are not even needed.

Good luck Smile
Last edited by sabretooth - Oct 29, 2013 - 09:05:52
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Quote from strongard63
Oct 29, 2013 - 06:50:43

6)the freedom and the tolerance and the acceptance of the other

Ive been thinking about this further.
Let me tell you that acceptance and respect is earned, not given. We respect those who try first and ask later. Doesnt matter about education. Some ciphers can be solved by children and a great example of this is on where a challenger called Cabrero64 had his son Roberto write a cipher.
Roberto was I think 8 at the time and this crypto in my opinion was incredible and confounded even some of the best minds of this community for quite some time, however it was logical and eventually solved by some (including myself)

If a child can do this, most people can.

Now, on the RevolutionElite forum I answered a query you left about a stegano which can be solved with some basic analysis, but instead of this you seemed to download stegano tools and then proceed to tell me that the image doesnt contain hidden data because your program told you so.
If you are going to follow this approach give up now.
Nobody here owes you hints. Nobody here HAS to explain challenges.
If you cant do them, learn, then come back.
If you cant do that, then go away.

Just because you cant solve something doesnt mean its badly written.
A bad builder blames his tools Smile
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No strongard63 you made a mistake thinking of pikachu and gyarados as 2 sole entities of the pokeworld. However in fact many more types of pokemons exist and when talking about their strengths or weaknesses you can't just consider their attack but also consider the defense too.

In their simplest form it's something like depicted in the image below but actually there also exist things called legendary pokemons. They are called legendary for a reason - because they are 'legendary'. Everyone can be a pokemon trainer just by having their pikachu defeat gyarados with its ultimate attack but to become a pokemaster you need to acquire the knowledge of all pokemons and now to become the legendary pokemaster you know just how much it will take Drool
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